Please keep in mind that we are receiving a lot of requests. Due to that it may take some time until you receive a response. Please note, that we only answer PROJECT AND COLLABORATION requests if the following information are provided:

  • Detailed Project Description
  • Presentation, Website or Social Media Channels
  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Contact Information
Dean is sitting on a stage in a black chair together with the show presenter. He is smiling towards the presenter. He is wearing a black hoodie from the brand Values Culture. In the hoodie the values LOYALTY is written in bold letters.

If you would like to book Dean as a SPEAKER FOR YOUR EVENT, please provide us the following information:

  • Name of Company, Website and Social Media Channels
  • Size of Audience
  • Virtual or Live Event
  • Timing/Date and Duration of Event/Speech
  • Topic/Main message for Dean to speak about

REFERENCE The Founder Summit 2023, Germany

Social Media

Follow my journey on social media. it is one of my major tools to bring animals into peoples hearts.

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